
To catch y’all up....

23’s Tale

*a thread*
This thread won’t be messy or wild or anything (for the most part.)

This is a thread to inform y’all on who 23 is. You had to have been here since I blew up in January to have gotten the details since.

whew chileeeee, we got a lot of history, so I’ll keep this concise.
I’ll start with how we met.

Believe it or not.... tinder.

I remember I had JUST remade my profile for the millionth time. I’m pretty sure I just went thru hell with 2 of my niggas, and wasn’t super interested in the 3rd.

So I was looking to fill the roster.
I’m so bad with timing but I do know 23 and I matched on Tinder maybe August? My bday is in Oct. And I remember worrying about who I’d spend it with. Lol.

Anyway. 23 takes pics like a 50 year old uncle who just discovered a camera.

Lol. So old fashioned.
I could still tell he was cute tho.
At the time, he was 28.

I usually only date 26+. Wasn’t my first rodeo w his age group. Lol.

Anyway... I remember his bio being super straightforward and simple.

Not much info given about himself and usually that’s a turnoff.
I don’t remember who messaged who.. or how we started talking?

I only know he messaged me when we first matched and I ignored him for... months (or so he says 🤣)

& honestly, I wasn’t checking for him. I was entertaining others on my tinder. Lol.
23 and I chatted very briefly a couple times. He always seemed cool but I was more focused on other niggas in my messages. Not paying him any attention, really.

Now, do y’all remember that shitty friend I had? He hated everything I liked?
And I got so fed up to the point I canceled my birthday plans with him literally a week or so before my bday?

I just couldn’t take it.

Even tho I was happy w my decision to cancel w his Debby Downer ass, I still needed plans. I was turning 22 and never celebrated b4.
I’m like yo. I already paid for Z to be watched the day AND night of my bday. Had no friends in this city. No boo. It was shaping up to b me dressing up and sitting in the house. /:

Then boom. One morning I’m heading into work and I get a tinder message from 23.
We’re chatting and shit. He’s cool like I remember. But the more we chatted I’m thinking to myself “....I wanna see this man.”

I bought up the fact my birthday was that weekend.

He asked what I was doing.

I’m thinking “I’m happy you asked” LOL.
I told him I had no plans. He’s like “I’d love to do something with you”. I remember asking “what do u like to do”, cuz I was gonna make plans where we both could enjoy ourselves.

He said “it’s your birthday babygirl, you decide, I’m just tagging along”

I liked that energy💀
Anyway, we agree to link on Saturday (my bday)

He’s from Memphis but moved to Murfreesboro recently at that time for work.

Fast forward, it’s my bday. I’m all cute. Had the day to myself. I’m fucking around, basically. Got a facial and a pedi and shit.

All that.
I knew what really mattered for my bday was linking up wit a cutie @ night and going somewhere where I can drink And be publicly fine as hell and dance or sumn lol.

23 and I made plans to link at 8. Pregame at my place. Go out.

Around 7:15 I check in.

No answer. Lol.
I tried him like 3 more times with no success so I was like damn ok I’m solid for the night.

It’s about 7:45 and I get a call. It’s 23.

My bad, he says. I fell asleep to get rest before tonight, he says. I’m omw!

I’m like OOP. The show is back on the road.
I went to this big ass liquor store to get the perfect birthday bottle for myself.

And my PLAN was to go to my crib and face a blunt before 23 got there.

It was like a 30 min drive for him so I thought I had time.

Then my lyft driver fucked that up. Lol.
The lyft couldn’t find the location and missed the exit and a whole lot of shit just to pick me up.

Then he was driving slow as hell.

23 texts and says he’s 10 away.

I’m like ok I’m omw home.

So boom. My lyft pulls up to my house—
And I casually walk inside. I’m like damn this man will be here any second. I go freshen up and check my makeup.

23 texts me he was outside.


I go outside to meet him b4 coming inside (it was his first visit).
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