Good morning everyone! Harini i nak selongkar balik skincare yg i pernah pakai dulu! πŸ˜† *i'm a hoarder

I will also tell what works on me and what doesn't ok?

Skin type: Oily + acne prone
Oh btw, ni skincare yg I beli sendiri. Tak termasuk dgn apa yg i pinjam adik i punya, makcik i punya, mak i punya. I simpan yg i beli je huhu

Oil cleanser

Honestly, relationship i dgn oil cleanser ni biasa2 je. I takde favs. I pakai je apa yg adik i beli πŸ˜† dia selalu pakai HL. Mmg best tu.

P1: Biore Cleansing Oil - ok2 for me
P2: @domskincare - I β™‘ THIS! ALMOND & ROSE! Pls keluarkan yg ni balik 😀✌🏻
Water-based Cleanser

I suka try new cleansers walaupun i dah ada my personal favs 😁

P1: Innisfree Bija - bertakhta di hatiku β™‘
P2: Cosrx Low pH - biasa je sbb dia gentle. I suka deep cleansing.
P3: T3 Acne - Quite nice!
P4: NanoWhite Clay - Best! Senang cari, ada di drugstore

P5: Yadah Bubble Deep Cleanser - I hate this.... this thing broke me out. Disebabkan ni, i takut nk try cleanser yg berbuih. Org kata yg berbuih ni boleh keringkan kulit kan? Idk πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
P6: @kaymanbeauty Coalface Soap - bertakhta di hatiku sebelah Innisfree Bija tadi β™‘

I suka product yg texture ringan and macam air sbb my oily skin loves it! Tu yg i suka try2 tu wahaha

P1: HL Light - i kenot live without this
P2: Pyunkang Yul - this thing makes my skin supple tapi dia terlalu pekat utk i
P3: Nature Republic - I suka gila ni!

P4: Thayers Coconut - idk wat dis thing did to my skin tetiba je habis πŸ˜†
P5: N. Republic Gel Mist - refreshing gila lepas pakai ni! Shud buy more
P6: Innisfree Seawater - i bawak ni utk mid day routine kat ofis. Sgt hydrating!
P7: Oxy Acne Control - buy if you have acne!

P8: Benton BHA - I love this so much... I nak beli balik tapi apecer euro napre tu???? 😀

Here comes the most exciting part. I paling nervous nak try moisturizer sbb takut tak sesuai. Tuhan je tahu betapa penatnya nk hilangkan jerawat lepas break out 😌

P1: @HazeCare - i dh beli byk kali maksudnya best la! All skin type sesuai. Silalah beli #sapotlokal

P2: Innisfree Green Tea - this brand never fails to amaze me. Setakat ni i suka semua yg i pernah try πŸ˜†
P3: Muji Milk Light - this things works for me. Takde new jerawat etc and veryyy gentle
P4: Innisfree Jeju Seawater - trial size je ni tapi best!
Facial Oil / Serum

I bought all these masa baru berjinak dgn skincare (read: noob). Nasib baik semua bagi result yg elok!

P1: @zukabeautyhq Face Oil - I actually loved this so much! But its quite pricey & time tu i student lagi so i tried once je
P2: Marzea Face Oil - LOVE IT
P3: RS Teamon Serum - idk what to feel abt this. The texture buat i turn off. It should be a little more liquidy kalau nk letak dlm botol mcmtu. But the results are nice tho πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ idk. Mixed feelings la!

P1: Annalucia Organics - First ever sunscreen dan ianya organic! πŸ˜† i tak sure whether carrot seed oil boleh protect from sinaran UV ke tak.. tapi i google dia tulis boleh.. huhu. Surprisingly cream ni best!
P2: Biore Milk - senang cari, murah, does its job, settle
P3: Apieu Sun Cream - its nice. Tapi bau agak kuat, mcm herba2 sikit. Finishing glowy ye anak anak

The Ordinary Azelaic Acid - kalau you ada skin yg tak smooth, patchy here and there, dullness, this thing might be good for you. Honestly i suck at acids ni but this product helps a little in kurangkan bumps i dulu. Tapi effect dia mcm lambat sikit, for me lah πŸ€”

I gila sheet mask dulu. Almost everyday i pakai. Tapi i takdela nk simpan packaging semua en πŸ˜•

P1: @zukabeautyhq Green Tea - sumpah best gila. Rasa smooth gila kulit lepas pakai ni! 😭
P2: @yelloskincarehq OTMS - i rasa satu dunia tau i syg OTMS & i takleh hidup tanpanya

P3: Innisfree Clay Mask - does its job. Kalau you malas nak bancuh2 mask, beli lah yg mcmni. I taktau tube dia gi mana, ada kotak je πŸ˜‚

Selama i hidup, dua types ni je yg i pakai. I dah selesa dgn dua2 ni haha. Sebamed tu best sbb ada spf! 😁
Sebenarnya banyak benda yg takde kat sini sbb i bagi adik i πŸ€”

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Sebenarnya... kotak2 pun i simpan 😭😭😭😭 aku taktau la apa kena dgn aku ni ya Allah 😭😭😭😭
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