I'm really unimpressed with this paper. It relies on non-peer reviewed data, it appears to misinterpret what it means for a virus to be airborne, and appears to ignore a literal statement of not being able to replicate the virus from air samples. #COVID19 https://www.nap.edu/read/25769/chapter/1
Look, I accept that it does not matter HOW many times @SaskiaPopescu or me or anyone else who knows the literature tells you that masks aren't effective in the way people want them to be. I know people are going to insist they Google better, or that a nutrition expert knows more
And I 100% know that there's an awful lot of a combination of "but we have to do something" and misogyny at the idea of female experts driving those arguments about whether masks for healthy people are a /useful/ thing or not. #COVID19
I am aware that what is driving this is that people are invested in "we have to do SOMETHING" and have decided on cloth masks because it creates a sense of control, and no one wants to be told that what they just spent a week doing could actually harm people. #COVID19
But here's the thing: sure, CDC guidance is probably coming out that says "hey, wear a mask if you feel like it," and they're going to use this NASEM report to justify it. But that's because of public pressure, not peer-reviewed science. #COVID19
That public pressure to "do something" and "masks for all" is there because we're several weeks into stay at home orders and the "curve hasn't flattened," and governments are having to extend their stay at home orders; this is a capitulation to appease people. #COVID19
So what happens in another 2 weeks, when governments feel they have to extend stay at home orders until June (as Virginia has preemptively done)? What will have significant public support/pressure that politicians will feel the need to capitulate on? Will it be "good"? #COVD19
It is in times of political instability we need to pay especially close attention to our politicians & governments, to make sure the things being done in the name of the public good aren't being abused–or driven by pressure fueled by fear, rather than reason or science. #COVID19
If you are going to wear a mask–because like many, I am tired of telling you, repeatedly, that not only is it a bad idea, but it may actually harm you–PLEASE learn how to properly take it on & off. Do not repeatedly touch it. Change it when wet. #COVID19
And at least consider making sure you're following the best guidelines for making them. I can't vouch for the information here, but other people have. #COVID19 https://getusppe.org/makers/face-masks/

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