My active duty friends reading my posts on Crozier, and one just sent me this, which is haunting me:

"Everyone is talking about this today. These flag officers will be defined by their actions over the past 3 weeks and over the next 4. Someone needs to raise the alarm ... /1
... like Crozier did because these generals are paralyzed.

And we are changing nothing.

We are still shooting the rifle range & running physical fitness tests. Barber shops are still open.

Nothing is going to change until we have a dead active duty service member. Watch." /2
These guys are all still working, going on/off base everyday. All the deployments are stalled, exercises cancelled, but at home it's training and planning as usual, just no travel to schools. /3
Some have moved out of homes &are bunking together so they don't bring anything home to families (which is hard on families but better than alternative). /4
Someone asked who counts as essential when they states they are based in are on stay-at-home orders.

"We were told that those who are essential are those who:

And then they pasted our mission

And no one is going to volunteer to come off the line... /5
... Nothing is changing and we get guidance like that 👆🏼and then an email later we get told to take this virus shit seriously and get grilled about why so many people are at work. Not kidding." /6
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