Someone called today to ask “what score do lenders look at when quailfying to buy? “

My answer: Different lenders have different criteria. What’s your situation?

Now stick with me for the rest of this convo.
My credit score is 592, one lender suspended ALL their 580-620 programs, I need a 680.

Another company said I can qualify with my score & last 3 months of income.

1. 🧐Ok see what they qualify you for
2. But a 680 is very doable (them: not for me)😳

Next ▶️ the kicker
I have a house I'm interested in (because there's always a house)

The house:
Me after I look up the house:
The lesson:
Buying a house is more than what's the easiest way for me to get qualified.

If they don't have the discipline to raise their credit score to a 680 (and they think that's near perfect)

They don't need a $300k house and probably can't afford that.
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