My sister is a psychopath. Y’all can’t trust her. She is a pathological liar. My parents have been too kind to that manipulative bitch. If any of you knew even HALF of the shit Anna does, you’d be deeply disturbed. She’s an abuser accusing her victims of being the abusive ones
My father is a very religious man. He has his beliefs and opinions. One of his beliefs is that homosexuality is a sin. He also believes that premarital sex is a sin. He is not okay with certain sins being committed in his house. Anna posted an extremely short clip with no context
My parents have done everything that they can to help Anna. They love her FAR MORE than any of you. They will not abandon their beliefs to please their child though. No one should. When Anna doesn’t get her way, she acts out and becomes TERRIBLE towards my parents. She’s a liar.
She’s always lied. Lately, it’s gone too far. She has put my parents in previously unimaginable situations. None of you have witnessed any of this. I have been here for ALL OF IT. Don’t give her the attention she is so desperately craving. She’s mentally ill
I have one more thing to say.
There’s gonna be a problem if I found out that people are saying things about my parents. Most of y’all haven’t even met them. Anna is the most privileged bitch and her pretending that she’s a victim is a spit in the face to real victims of abuse.
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