When I was 17 years old (currently 21), the doctors diagnosed me with stage 4 chronic kidney disease and hypertrophy. My kidneys will fail in the next few years. I fear that I will not live a full life and with the coronavirus, I fear I may not even make it to 22 #Keemstar
There's a 76% chance of me being hospitalized when I get the coronavirus due to my kidney disease and a 6% death rate due to my high blood pressure. I live with my 70 year old grandma, who also has hypertrophy and my mother, who is a registered nurse.
Since my mom is a healthcare worker, she is at a high risk of contracting the virus and passing it to me and my grandma. I'm afraid that my mom will lose her son and her mother at the same time because of this virus. Our goal is to separate my mom into different housing.
If we were able to have my mother stay at a hotel for the length of the virus, there's a chance my grandmother and I could survive. They are both extremely hard workers and the world would feel smaller without them. I am expected to graduate uni next year with a CS degree.
My Venmo is @leogalang. Anything helps! Thank you.
Hi #Keemstar ! Please read this thread. I have stage 4 chronic kidney disease and my mother is a registered nurse who will likely transfer the virus to me. There is a 76% chance of hospitalization for people with CKD. I'm terrified of the idea that my mother will see me die.
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