#tigerking Do some research on Big Cat Rescue before accusing them of having small cages, breeding, not looking after their cats properly, etc. Here's some videos. (THREAD)
How big the enclosures are:
How the enclosures work:
Why they can't release their cats back into the wild:

They do not breed their cats:

Their cats are well looked after. One example is Flavio, before he passed away he was the world's oldest tiger.
How hard they work feeding and vaccinating and flea treating their cats: , ,
As you can see they have a feeding area, which is commonly mistaken for a small cage, when it is in fact connected to a big enclosure
They provide lots of enrichment for their cats! and they even go on vacation sometimes :)
How they support their cats during hot and cold weather: ,

Rescued circus tiger feeling grass and being able to be near a lake for the first time
They do not pet or touch their cats:
I will probably add more to this as I think of stuff. Sorry, but I'm just not allowing this much misinformation to go around about BCR. I've been watching them for years and to say they don't look after their cats properly is downright false
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