Content Warning for pedos and other various creeps.

So I wanna talk about that creepy-ass thing that some people do where they age-up child characters specifically so that they can make porn of them and get away with it.
Now, I'm not talking about stuff like The Lion King or Bambi where the child characters grow up during the story and we see their adult forms. If people draw porn of *adult* Simba or whatever, that's fine, because they're probably expressing hornyness for the grown-up character.
But when it's something like The Land Before Time, where there is currently no canonical adult form of the main group, things get iffy. You can't really tell if people are aging up the characters to get away with their gross fantasies, or if there's another reason.
I want to be clear that first of all, any drawing of underage characters in sexual situations is child porn, bar none, and it belongs in the garbage. When media portrays kids with crushes and stuff, that should be completely sexless because pedos are nasty and deserve to die.
And this includes pedos who are like, "Oh, this character looks and acts like a child, but they're a magical being who's 1000 years old." That's not an excuse. If they look and act like a child, they're basically a child in real terms.
On the other hand, if there's a character who ages fast and looks and acts like an adult after a few years of life, that's probably fine, but I'd still be cautious around people who are into these characters, because you never know if they're trying to get away with something.
So similarly, you have to be careful around people who age up characters for porn, because you can't tell if they're secretly trying to express lust for the child versions of the characters. If the canonical media doesn't show the kids grow up into adults, be very suspicious.
On the other hand, there's a chance that maybe people came up with an extended canon in their head, and basically wrote a future for the characters that justifies being into the adult version of the ship. This is very uncommon, but it basically works like this:
Let's assume that there's a bit of media with kid main characters, and someone writes a fanfic or some shit where they're all grown up and facing new challenges, and basically different characters. They might retain their base character traits, but they're not kids anymore.
If someone develops these characters so that they can stand alone in their adult forms as actual characters, then shipping them is probably fine. But if the extent of their work is, "Oh hey, they're adults and now they fuck," that's very suspicious.
And you might be like, "Well, what's the problem if they're portrayed as adults? Doesn't that make it okay?" But that's not the point. The point is that in this scenario, someone saw kid characters and said, "I want to make them fuck, but I don't want people to call me a pedo."
So in that example, they're just aging up the characters to get away with their gross kid shipping. The intent is what makes it not okay, even if the image features two adults.

So anyway, just be very careful when you see people doing aged-up porn. They might be creeps.
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