Here we go.
"Yes it may be a bit weird to have a funeral for someone still alive but don't worry that will change very soon."
I knew this was coming but I still can't get over how silly it is.
Man that first episode was super fun. I haven't smiled so much during an anime in a while.
Well she might have sold Lupin out previous episode but at least she doesn't want him to die.
Now I'm not entirely knowledgeable about gun safety but I don't think you should do that, Fujiko.
Sunglasses make every design look even better.
I'd assume there are MUCH more normal ways of persuading someone to stop following you but I can't deny a bazooka is probably one of the quickest ways.
Gee I don't know why he didn't kill you. Maybe cause he's LAW ENFORCEMENT.
Man Lupin sure can play the long con.
Waiting a year in prison solely to humiliate your rival is a power move.
Super cool.
I'm disappointed in Lupin for falling for her tricks every time but I know I'd just be the same.
Excuse me.
A little late for this revelation but I just realized Fujiko totally ended episode 4 thinking Lupin was executed but there's no follow-up on that. I guess she was just like "Oh hey he's still alive. Cool. Time to go do my next big-brained scheme."
Not like your disguise is any better this time, Lupin.
How did she get dressed so quickly. That was like 5 seconds later.
Lupin is such a wonderful troll.
Everything Lupin does is super cool.
Gang is finally all together huh.
I'd be a bit concerned about my mental health if a random clown appeared in the middle of a snowy night and started talking about cards Napoleon had.
As I don't know why he wants to find her yet I'm gonna pretend Fujiko ghosted him for 3 years.
At least these 2 call out Lupin for blindly trusting Fujiko literally every single time.
This is one of the things I knew about the series and I'm finally glad I got to see it for real.
She really did ghost him lmfao.
Thank you, Goemon, for your contributions to this episode.
I love how the previous episode was about Lupin and Fujiko's relationship and how Fujiko definitely likes Lupin and their first interaction the next episode is her trying to shoot Lupin down.
And that's 10 episodes of Part I done. I'd watch more if I didn't want to sleep at a reasonable hour. So far I've been loving it and it's definitely something I could binge all day and not feel any regret.
Ah yes the worst kind of criminal: skiers.
Jigen being genuinely sad when he thought Lupin disappeared from the world is really sweet of him.
Tfw he literally caught Lupin in episode 4 and no one cared then.
Me: The Part I OST can kind of be repetitive.
Also gonna finish up Part I tonight and then watch the pilot film to see what that's like.
"Sometimes betrays" Yeah uh try like almost 90% of the time.
What a good friend Goemon is.
That's uh quite a few people who have been in a riot.
This is one of the funniest schemes I have ever seen.
Damn vikings.
This is something I can get behind.
I don't dislike short-haired Fujiko but I wish it was just a thing for a few episodes instead of everything past like 13 having her always with the short hair.
Rival relationships like this are the best kind of rivals.
And that's Part I done. Probably gonna watch the pilot film before I sleep and maybe episode 1 of Part II. Really enjoyed it and look forward to the rest of the series.
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