Missing from these documents is any mention of Medicaid expansion, which would make benefits available to anyone earning up to 133% of poverty (~$17K a year for a single person) in the 14 states that haven't already expanded. https://twitter.com/SeemaCMS/status/1245852878977335296
These are the 14 states that haven't expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (which provides 90% federal funding for the expansion). They could do so AT ANY TIME if they wanted to protect their low-income residents. (Image via @KFF https://bit.ly/2X3xti9 )
And while the CMS materials in the first tweet from this thread don't mention Medicaid expansion, they DO mention the Trump administration's plan to let states gut Medicaid coverage and benefits, which I wrote about the other day. https://bit.ly/2wJlMSZ 
And let's not forget that CMS under Trump could have reopened http://HealthCare.gov  to let uninsured people in most of the country get subsidized private health insurance during the coronavirus pandemic. They refuse to. So does Idaho's state government. https://bit.ly/3426jKg 
There are some states where uninsured people can get health insurance and subsidies to make it more affordable, but don't delay. Some of the deadlines are very soon, especially in Connecticut and Colorado.
If you live anywhere in the U.S. and lose a job that provided you health benefits, you can enroll on the exchanges, even if they aren't reopened because of coronavirus. But if your job didn't have health benefits, you can't. More here: https://bit.ly/3dU7fVA 
You can follow @JeffYoung.
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