Beautiful sunny spring day in Edmonton Alberta, making snow angels in the yard…
The final product…

By the time I finished fussing about with the camera with my mitt off, my hand was pretty cold (it's -9°C), so I didn't stay long to soak up the sunshine.

I did get the potting soil out of the shed for starting some seeds, though.
I'm still a little grumbly about the weather, but you know what they say:

“April flurries bring May worries!”

Wait, no, that can't be it…

(Video from yesterday morning. It's not snowing today, but it sure ain't melting, either!)

Update: it's totally snowing today.
It's melting!
It's finally mellllllllltinnnng!

(Video description: melt water flowing into the storm drain on the curb of my street, panning between the icy snow on the verge and that on the roadway.)
It's been above-freezing since Monday, but this was the first really nice day. Sunny, and no extreme winds.

I tidied up the garden along the south wall. Green onions are perking up. Spread some radish, spinach, & pea seeds under my lazy “cold frames” in hopes of an early crop.
(To clarify: the veggie seeds are in the dirt. The blue pots are some flowers I planted last fall, so they'd get the full freeze+thaw cycle that helps with germination. It might be a little early for the veggies, but these are seeds from past years' plants; I have lots to spare!)
Double-digit temperatures! Spring has sprung!

Not that it's very springy, unless you count the bounce in the muddy soil.

But I was able to sit out at the picnic table to finally fill up some little pots with soil for starting the tender things indoors. (Better late than never.)
Here's the “What difference two weeks makes!” comparison of the front yard.

Not so pretty now, but change is often messy in the making!
And to complete the magic trick…
3 weeks after the start of this thread, it is just as sunny this afternoon but the snow is all gone & the ground is thawed to 5 inches deep.

I know how deep, because I just planted a row of potatoes after digging down to ice & spreading compost.
One tiny patch of ice, hidden in the shade where once a snowbank rose, is all that remains. (Hope I haven't cursed us to a May snowstorm by saying so.)

The evergreen groundcover (periwinkle & variegated nettle shown) is perking up. As are some early bulbs in a sheltered plot.
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