Remember when he avoided his victims by constantly changing his name and claiming his victims were "dead-naming" him but then he just went back to using Tucker when victims caught onto his new names/accounts lol
Remember when he claimed to be a wheelchair user; remember when he claimed to have chronic sepsis lmfao; remember when he pretended to have cancer; remember when he suddenly starting claiming to have DID and one of his very new OCs is suddenly his alter; remember we-- ect ect ect
Remember when he made a kickstarter scam that earned 6000$$ that he's still avoiding while claiming "ItS NoT a SCaM GuYs" even tho that was like 2 years ago? and i have screenshots of him using the money on weed & dildos &jewelry lol
Remember how he's an abusive fuckhead with a long, long list of people he's manipulated financially &emotionally, some being couples that he would try to break up via coming on to one or both of them?
Like i cant even talk about all the shit hes done bc he's like a fucking cartoon villain at this point :/
This is about Tucker/SawyerMongrel btw-- no clue why twitter deleted the first tweet in this thread? :/
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