my steven universe autistic headcanonsđŸ„ș👉👈
peridot - she has trouble understanding some humour/sarcasm, her frequent use of the word clod is echolalia, her tape recorder was an alternative communication device, she is very blunt, literal and to the point and she isnt very aware of social norms
her stims include fidget spinners, fidget cubes, pacing and flapping her hands

her special interests are camp pining hearts, gardening and technology
pearl - she has some trouble understanding some humour/sarcasm, isnt very aware of social norms, she is very literal and enjoys having a routine and and can be distressed when things change and do not go the way she expects them to
her stims include walking on her tiptoes, twirling in circles, pacing, listening to classical music, rocking her body back and forth, and drumming her fingers

her special interests are gem culture and history and swordfighting
steven - he sometimes isnt aware of social norms and cues and can find interacting with people difficult.

his stims include clapping and flapping his hands and stroking lions fur

his special interests are crying breakfast friends and music
connie - she often has difficulty with social interaction, finds it hard to make friends and feels anxious in social situations. she enjoys having and sticking to a routine/schedule
her stims include pacing, spinning in circles, tapping her fingers and playing with her hair

her special interests are space and the spirit morph saga book series
sadie - she sometimes has difficulty making friends, feels anxious in social situations and can have trouble remembering social cues and norms

her stims include singing, humming, skipping and fidget cubes

her special interests are music and horror films
lars - he has difficulty remembering social cues and norms and feels anxious in social situations. he also has trouble explaining his emotions and often shows his feelings in ways that neurotypicals would not understand
his stims include are playing with his hair, clicking his fingers, humming and drumming his fingers

his special interests are spaceships and baking
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