1/ For Birx and @realDonaldTrump start here with health care workers:

1. BAN CELL PHONES among staff. None in the building. Ever. Period. That thing is a vector and there is NO WAY to keep things clean if a worker can use it on-shift.
2/ MUST WASH HANDS with soap and water BEFORE and AFTER each contact with a person or thing that *might* be contaminated. No exceptions, or you're instantly fired, no matter who you are. POST IN EVERY ROOM this protocol and ANY person can call ANY person on it.
3/ Health workers SHOULD consider HCQ as a prophylaxis. Reality is this -- we KEEP seeing pattern where HUGE percentages of health workers in hospitals get infected when the FIRST pts show up in a given area. Then, shortly after that, BOOM! The vector is obvious.
4/ Further, all these lockdowns and such are only producing 0.4-0.5 reduction in R0. PLENTY OF TIME has gone by for the lockdowns to have GREATLY reduced transmission given that the average person has had 90%+ reduction in contacts. Therefore, THAT ISN'T WHERE IT IS SPREADING.
5/ We MUST cut off the health care system transmission. Dedicated facilities w/only seropositive workers or those willing to isolate on-site may be necessary IF we cannot get hygiene established in the health care environment. //End
PS: In addition..... other vector that is showing up with wild positive rates on a percentage basis: COPS. That one we may not be able to cut off. In which case we have no choice but to re-open and take the hit.
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