1) This is privacy invasive, so people may feel under surveillance even more and the mental health implications aren't sufficiently understood. (2/n) /cc @ronald_fischer
2) Similar to lockdown measures, there will be people not taking it seriously and starting to gamble the system. People may swap phones to see how that confuses analytics, leave the phone in specific places when they go somewhere else or submit false data. (3/n)
3) There are cultural aspects to such invasive data collection that need careful attention. (4/n)
Similar to lockdown measure it is important to turn digital contact tracing into something that is done with people and not to people. @SilkeRoth and I touched on such aspects in "Deconstructing the data life-cycle in digital humanitarianism" https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2018.1521457 (5/5)
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