5G, the underlying problem, then we will review the concern with Wuhan.
The video above is a personal story that illustrates our artificially engineered dependency on smartphones. I argue that we should reduce our dependency on the smartphones, and in turn we can reduce our demand for faster and faster internet.

But of course that logic is flawed.
5G is like that song they play over and over again on the radio until it's your favorite song. (That is what happened to me with "Shape Of You.")
Download the PDF while you can.
The article talks about Wuhan, China as a case study of "the first city to roll out 5G, the first city to experience the Coronavirus epidemic and the first Chinese city to establish an experimental bio-pathogen lab. Is there a link"
The problem has to do with the impact of 5G on the human body.
Specifically, the way in which 5G lowers our immunity to disease, making it easier for us to "catch" a virus (more on that in a moment).
A separate problem has to do with the mechanism of 5G in "implanting" what is essentially something dead (the virus) into our cells so that it can replicate.
5G emits electromagnetic wave frequencies at the rate of 60 gigahertz.

this means that it's getting absorbed by oxygen - what you breathe.

you are basically getting microwaved.

what happens when you get microwaved is that the electromagnetic wave frequencies make "the electrons on oxygen molecules...spin"

this is "somewhat akin to how high-powered microwaves...impact molecules in food such as water"

and you can see the results - like immunity issues
So this seems pretty straightforward. If you shoot electromagnetic waves at people and those waves are inhaled and start nuking people alive, they lose their immunity and are sitting ducks for COVID19 infection, which would explain why the widespread panic and lockdown in Wuhan.
It also seems straightforward that the big money companies who stand to make lots off of 5G, don't want you to think that 5G causes people to be nuked to death.
(This is me talking in simple terms, and being dramatic, but you get the idea. Those who stand to make a profit off of 5G will no doubt downplay the risks to the public of its implementation, and its possible association with a global pandemic.)
The other issue is the fact that a virus is nonliving, but can be engineered to get into the living and replicate itself.
How might 5G facilitate that?
Jacquet writes: "I personally don’t believe these viruses [I think he means coronaviruses] evolved naturally but were robotic Mad Scientist Creations in the past to inflict a specific purpose on biological life."
"Viruses are described by scientists as NON-LIVING complex molecules and begs us to reconsider the question of 'what is life?' "
"They can only replicate by invading a living cell and forcing the host cell to replicate thousands of identical copies of the original invading virus’ genes."
"Look at these picture examples of a Phage T4 virus and if you don’t see a ROBOT then please let me know what you see!"
"This viral type attacks bacteria cells. It has a neck and collar, core and a needle like arm that punctures the bacteria cell to inject its DNA stored in the protein coated triangular faced icosahedron (20 faces) head."
"Present day scientists are looking at creating 'nanites', a microscopic 'nanomachine' or 'nanobot' that could be injected into living organisms to perform certain functions."

"Is this re-inventing the wheel of ancient times?"
"Wuhan, China – The City at the epicenter of the pandemic
Wuhan – 1st...to roll out a 5G internet tower and antenna network.
Wuhan – 1st... to experience the COVID-19 “Coronavirus” epidemic.
Wuhan – 1st... in China to establish an experimental Bio-pathogen lab."
"As just reviewed, viruses are NON-LIFE FORMS, but they move and they do things and they force replication via another source, so if they are NOT LIFE they must be MACHINE! A machine that needs to be activated by certain frequencies."
"Is the window of 55 – 65 Gigahertz where oxygen absorption occurs the vibration window it needs to come alive?"

Think of the chronology.

"On...31 October 2019, the city of Wuhan China had their 5G towers & antennas turned on. They appear...1st...on the planet to do this."
"We all have viruses running around our body, some running around but posing no threat and some dormant waiting to be activated."
The author does believe the COVID19 virus to be a bioweapon. He asks that you look at the difference between the patented version (Pirbright Institute) and the one that has caused the pandemic. (Much stickier to the body and much sharper to get in and attack.)
This is the article that explains the uniqueness of the virus in those ways. Its authors actually argue that it's NOT a bioweapon, because if it were it would've been engineered more perfectly.
This is where they say it, arguing that a manipulator would have reverse-engineered a prior virus and built the second one off of it, but COVID-19 is just totally different.
Reading again: "If this Coronavirus is truly an engineered bioweapon as many believe, it would represent a serious threat to humanity. This virus appears to have an increased longer incubation period in younger people with stronger
immune systems."
"I personally don’t believe these viruses evolved naturally but were robotic Mad Scientist Creations in the past to inflict a specific purpose on biological life."
"Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus of Bat Origin" (Journal of Virology, 2008) - it couldn't go from bats to humans without some work.

"Bat CoV do not bind to human ACE2 making them very UNLIKELY to transmit to [a] human"


"a study in that Lab already proves China created a human transmissable version using HIV inserts... from 2008."

(summary by anon at this thread)
In his article Jacquet talks about how vaccines which were effective in eradicating certain diseases, but because they had animal viruses, woke others up in the human body.
"The Rotavirus vaccine used to treat severe diarrhea in young children has the pig virus circovirus. The vaccine to treat Rubella, varicella and Hepititus A contain MR5C, human diploid fiberglass cell cultivation from aborted fetus tissue."
"Dr. Stanley Plotkin, considered the 'Godfather of vaccines', admitted this under oath in a deposition."
"Plotkin also verified a pilot study of vaccinated school children vs. non-vaccinated homeschool children. Those Non-vaccinated were 4-times likely to get chicken pox and 3-times likely to get whooping cough."
"HOWEVER, the Vaccinated children were 30-times likely to get allergic Rhinitis (runny nose allergy), 4.2-times likely to get ADHD, 5.2-times likely to have learning disabilities, 3.7-times more likely to have a neurological development disease and many more examples were given."
"These vaccines are cultured in living tissue of animals who have viruses that don’t affect them but what will they do to us when they have lived in our bodies for decades and given the chance to adapt?"
"What turns this 'machine' on to start working?"
"One author who definitely agrees that 5G could be mobilizing viruses is Cyrus A. Parsa, founder and CEO of the AI Organization: '5G mobilizes all kinds of machinery...it if its next to your home or if it’s hitting your body...these frequencies are not made for human beings.'"
"on the 5G system, because these frequencies are so fast and they’re not made for human beings, they’re made for machines, they will completely in a fast way and an imperceptible way, reprogram peoples thoughts"
"this 5G did not cause the virus, what it did was amplify it by reducing peoples immunity."

(and perhaps also the virus was engineered to be sticky and drill in)
"We have all these towers up and these frequencies are hitting
their bodies. What’s happening is its decreasing their immunity. This virus comes in and their body can’t take it so they start coughing up blood in the street, start falling over and dying"
the "Chinese government sends over all kinds of crematoriums, they’re burning bodies left and right, the government is getting scared…"
" it was stupidly created in a lab and then it got out and I think the 5G system amplified and reduced people’s immunity in that area. The Chinese government hid it for a long time." (Jacquet still quoting Parsa)
Charles Lieber arrest - connection.
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