Okay, this is being ignored and I can't abide by that y'all.

There's a stigma here that needs to be cleared up.

I'm going to tell an INTENSELY personal story to explain.

PLEASE keep reading.
1/ https://twitter.com/fenrir_71/status/1245838745913438209
When I got divorced in the 90s, my child support responsibility was $900 a MONTH. That was 110% of what I was making, not a typo. I worked two jobs, both net pay $0. It made me homeless QUICK.

There's not set standards to a percentage of pay once child care, school...
...insurance etc, are added to the law's percentage values of one's pay. All those things listed above btw, are chosen by the custodial parent. If that parent wants to spend money on private schools and the non custodial parent can't afford it, tough.

Some states, THANKFULLY have laws that a non custodial parent can only garnished 50% of their paycheck.

Cool right?


If one's is court ordered to pay more than 50% of their paycheck but the law prevents that, the difference just keeps adding up.
I know because this happened to me for YEARS. I lived like a pauper barely able to eat while my child support arrearage just kept on piling up. Meanwhile my ex-wife refused to work. I paid ALL their rent, food, health care, etc.

This happens ALL THE TIME.
Even better, by law a non custodial parent can only REQUEST a review once every THREE YEARS. You get a new job that pays less, tough.

Or what about noncustodial parents who get custody but still have to pay arrears when they have their kids? One parent was terrible...
...there was contention over child support, but when the kids change hands to the responsible parent, that parent STILL owes back child support. While supporting the kids at home.

What about parents with mental health issues? Addiction problems?
This isn't just about deadbeat dads y'all, seriously.

Don't fall into the trap where one experience taints your entire perception.

That's exactly what folks who say "all folks on SNAP are just too lazy too work," do.

We HAVE to be better.

PLEASE sign and RT that petition.
And sorry for all the typos, I went through DECADES of pain and suffering over this. I'm SO frustrated right now.

My ex-wife KIDNAPPED my kids for ten years, and I STILL had to pay, STILL racking up arrears.

Because what a custodial parent can get away with is INSANE.
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