What @DrTedros and @WHO, along with the corrupted media, will not tell you.

#ChineseVirus19 Something is wrong with this virus.

#Wuhan to #Shanghai = 629 km
#Wuhan to #Beijing = 1052 km
#Wuhan to #Milan = 8700 km
#Wuhan to #NewYork =12000 km
#Wuhan to #SaoPaulo = 17,964 km... https://twitter.com/Marcelo77931223/status/1245405793790427136
#Wuhan to #London = 8880 km
#Wuhan to #Paris = 8900 km
#Wuhan to #Spain = 9830 km
#Wuhan to #India = 3575 km
#Wuhan to #Iran = 6560 km

Something is wrong!😷✋

The Chinese virus originated in the city of Wuhan, #China, and has now reached all corners of the world...
...but this virus has not reached the capital of China: Beijing and the economic capital: Shanghai, near Wuhan. Why?

Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, the military leaders live there, those who control the power of China live there, and...
...Beijing has not been closed, has not been quarantined, has not been locked down. It's open! The Chinese virus has no effect there. Why?

Shanghai is the city that manages the economy of China, it is the economic capital of China, there live all the rich people of China!
...Those who keep the industry going. There is no block there, the Chinese virus has no effect there! Why?

The Chinese virus is a pandemic virus.

He has been told that panic should be created around the world, but he will not come to Beijing and Shanghai.✋🤔...
...It is very important that we ask China this question.

The Chinese virus created terror in the big cities of the world, so why did this virus not reach Beijing?

Why didn't you come to Shanghai? Why?

Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjacent to Wuhan!✋🤔...
The Wuhan virus reached all corners of the world, but it did not reach Beijing and Shanghai!

Today, all of #India and 1.3 billion people are locked up.

Our economy is paralyzed, but all major cities in China are open and, as of April 8, China is also opening Wuhan!✋🤖...
...The whole world is plagued by terror! However, new cases are not arriving in China and China is open! Why?

Another great thing is that the stock market worldwide has almost halved!

But there is no effect of this virus on the Chinese market!
Whatever these things are, they only point to one thing: the Chinese virus is a biological weapon of China, which China has left for destruction in the world!

After killing some people, China has now controlled this virus!
Perhaps she also has medicines that she is not sharing with the world!
Why?👉 #DepopulationAgenda
#NewWorldOrder 👿 #NWO #Globalists #Agenda21

Do you know why they want us all at home?
For the financial reset to happen, it is necessary to break the world's largest economies and put the mark of the beast on people.
The single currency, the universal currency.
Revelation 13
We are one step away from him.
The #chip!
You are already familiarizing yourself with the scene?
He's coming, but you still believe in the media and politicians and turn your back on God's word!
You can follow @Marcelo77931223.
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