stole from alle teehee
redoing it 🙄
future friends by superfruit, top 3 songs are guy.exe, hurry up, and imaginary promises
fruit du démon by soolking, its french and it SLAPS top 3 songs would be dalida, amsterdam, and vroom vroom
the start by tbz, top 3 songs giddy up, back 2 u, and get it for sure
1989 taylor swift, nothing beats i know places, wildest dreams, and this love
dream pt 1 by astro, top 3 (the entire album is amazing, but) every minute, dreams come true, and that one song whos title is korean (da geojitmal)
we must love by onf, top 3 songs are yayaya, ice and fire, we must love (entire album is great tho)
cheap queen by king princess, top 3 are useless phrases, prophet, and hit the back
power by exo... theres literally only 3 songs they all slap
self portrait by suho- cant forget our lord and saviour. top 3: made in you, lets love, o2
the way this thread will be mostly exo....... dmumt superior 🙄 top 3: gravity (bc of chanyeols part), ooh la la la, and oasis
teen,age svt: top 3 are lilili yabbay, pinwheel, and rocket
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