People who never work a day in dem life, never pay a bill, or know the real value of money always got an opinion on how to operate in these situations. Everyone can’t afford to save for times like these. The ability to save money is a privilege in case y’all ain’t know
People got car notes, rent, mortgages, and other financial obligations. Sadly even if ya landlord let ya slide for this time on lockdown, that’ll just be debt piling up waiting for you as lockdown done. So when lockdown done now people looking for money to pay 3 months rent
Some people are paid weekly so they shop weekly. Y’all wanted them to pull the money to do bulk shopping out their ass? Real people gon starve on this lockdown and real burglary will occur.
This has so many sides because these lines outside the people businesses are dangerous too because the people don’t maintain good distance and the virus can be spread then but at the same time people acting when they have money to. It’s insane
Everybody in my house works so bulk shopping was nothing to us. What about households however where only the parents work, and on top of that sometimes is only one parent to many children. Children home too so all dem doing is eating down the place.
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