Ha, I got this right!
(I got an A in Economics in college)
Let me explain- I'll add that in a reply. https://twitter.com/buske_natalie/status/1245730352980787202
>>average household will use 40% more toilet paper than usual if all of its members are staying home around the clock...huge leap in demand for a product whose supply chain [relies on] demand is essentially constant...won’t fully subside even when people stop hoarding"...
It's a supply and demand issue... but, it was of course complicated by hoarding/panic-buying and I still think that the markets were manipulated by early propaganda to incite hoarding/panic-buying. Two separate markets for commercial vs consumer TP... https://marker.medium.com/what-everyones-getting-wrong-about-the-toilet-paper-shortage-c812e1358fe0
They can't just take from the commercial (business) TP market and push it into the places where consumers buy TP... the distribution channels don't have fast ways of changing everything over. So, thus... there's a shortage in consumer TP, and I'd say it's because of these things:
1) Early manipulation of the markets due to staged propaganda and other shenanigans (perhaps even stockpiling of TP in warehouses- by people with insider knowledge of what was to come, possibly stores in on it... if so, truth will likely come out eventually, at least some of it)
2) Actual panic-buying and hoarding as people responded to the propaganda, and then later the actual news, and hearing of people getting sick

3) Increased demand when more people were home, using consumer TP instead of commercial (at work, restaurants, schools, etc.) TP
It's a supply/demand issue and it will work itself out. The quickest way to see improvement is probably opening America back up again so people will stop using the home toilets. 🚽🧻🧻🧻 The workplace probably has TP, or can order some, assuming commercial distribution still OK
If games were played to manipulate the TP market & deliberately create shortages, they likely didn't hoard/stockpile commercial TP. So, when folks get back to work, TP situation will start to improve. It will take a while. Homes without TP are growing = Demand high, supply low
Demand will remain high, so even after America goes back to work, it may still be difficult to find TP.
Then, it will settle down and people will be able to go freely again without fear of no 🧻.

Well, this thread was needlessly long. 🤣

/end thread/
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