WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Lorenz Hellman Gloucester Edition
the beginning of this thread is repeated bc i have been posting progress somewhere unfit oops

lorenz started off with some embroidery on march 19th. i did two versions of the satin shading on the petals and the latter is what i decided to go with!
on march 23rd, i gridded the breastplate and transferred the pattern over to swedish tracing paper. the breastplate design was modified slightly to be more flattering for glitz since lorenz has a weirdly short ribcage and long abdomen.
i vectored and broke apart the breastplate pattern into a home printable PDF between two streams on march 23rd & 24th. the pattern is available as a pay-what-you-want on our gumroad! 
on march 31st, i got all the waistcoat embroidery vectored and prepped for digitizing, which i finished on april 1st. with all of the embroidery ready to test out, it was time to draft the waistcoat pattern!
drafting began on april 1st borrowing from last year's picnic leo shirt. the pattern for the bishop sleeves was digitized and altered to fit glitz' tiny arms.
now i'm caught up! to-day i combined a trace-over of lorenz' in-game model with a basic shirt block to create a rough pattern for the waistcoat. i printed it out, then folded, pinned and cut it to be more flattering. i made a muslin of that modified pattern afterward to fit more.
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