"It’s almost certainly because they’re conservative and they watch a lot of Fox News."

... Is exactly what we've been saying. https://twitter.com/kbeccaandrews/status/1245837715657986048
... but that's only part of the picture. What happens when there's no safety net for people to practice social distancing, no policies to protect their income, and decades of erosion in social services or even social fabric.
... the question is, does one hand wash the other when it comes to Republican politics and lack of social protections? Does neoliberalism ultimately destroy our ability to be a healthy society?
... i think many of us knew the answer to this long before Rona came to town. Until know the impacts have been slow and graded. Suddenly they have become life and death.
Apologies to @kbeccaandrews if this thread goes a little sideways to her article. We're both on the same track but I got off at a different station. https://twitter.com/kbeccaandrews/status/1245843144215683077?s=19
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