Article goes around showing how kids are "losing their childhood" to the pandemic, their social-emotional development is being disrupted, they've lost their community.

Homeschooling parents lose their minds, get offended at any suggestion that they arent the end-all be-all.
I honestly can't stand homeschooling parents sometimes & their self-centered hubris. WE WERE NEVER MEANT TO BE EVERYTHING FOR OUR KIDS. We can't be. Thro all history, kids were raised in community. Not solely in a nuclear family.
It's ok to not be enough for our kids. Its perfectly normal & healthy for them to learn from & get needs met by other people. My kids are well-rounded little humans cuz they have a village of support.
right now, they've had that village taken from them. That's going to do some damage. It doesn't mean I'm deficient cuz I can't make up for it. This isnt about me at all. But for so many HSing parents, their choices are about them, their ideals, how they want their life to look.
"The family is finally enough and centered like it should be, like it used to be" comment I saw from a HSing mom. Not only do they not know shit about history/sociology, they r making a crisis about their ideals, centering themselves in a conversation about kids mental health.
And this doesn't even touch the many kids who have abusive homes and have lost the only safe, loving adults in their lives.
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