thread for weird hs shit that happened to me/other people during my time there. quite a few tw s all tagged, I need to get this off my chest
this 13yo freshman dude with a girlfriend was found to have a tinder and was actively chatting with adult women...girlfriend broke up with him and he changed schools
tw animal abuse
someone brought their pet puppy to school and had other people handle it, ended up getting lost
tw gross nasty
someone took a shit on the football bleacher, everyone knew who did it
tw animal death
we had a butterfly garden and some kid swatted down the chrysalises that season and try to get rid of all the butterflies bc it was "funny"
tw racism japanese internment mention
white kid went up to me, face to face, and talked about how japanese americans deserved to be grandma was imprisoned at rohwer and my granduncle was a founder of the JANM and he knew this... grandma's farm was taken and they used it to make whites-only condos, btw. they're still up, just slightly less racist
some awful and rude kid bragged about how he got into UCLA, turns out no one got into UCLA that year and he shut himself up for good for the rest of the semester
tw injury
i dated an antivaxxer (learned after the fact) and my kidneys are damaged bc of it. lots more to that can of worms but let's keep it at that
tw transphobia
another ex had threatened me into identifying as cis (previously transmasc) for my whole high school experience. his sister was also a teacher and later on the entire school's coordinator, so...
...said teacher told me upfront that I could not take her classes bc she believed she could not grade me fairly due to her own personal beliefs about me
Sorry For Da Can Of Worms That I Just Opened
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