Yes, I'm trying AGAIN to make you all into Lupin fans.
I want give up until everyone is in love with this gentleman!
Let you get wrapped up in his charm!
Their are the original Books from Maurice LeBlanc, other adventures from other authors, Videogames (like Sherlock Holmes vs Arsène Lupin, Code: Realize, etc... he is even mentioned in Final Fantasy and Persona 5!), Manga & Anime (Lupin lll, Code: Realize, Arsène Lupin, etc)
Many Movies and television series, as well as a animated series, their are even a few stage plays!
And comics, their is even a character in the Donald Duck comics who is inspired by him!
He wasn't the first gentleman thief in media (their were to before him), but I think I can say the is the most famous of them all (?)
Oh, and before I forget, KaitouKID from Detective Conan / Magic Kaito is inspired by him, too!
And there was a Manga before Magic Kaito, where the characters are called "Kaito Lupin" and "Aoko Holmes".
Lupin has many great adventures and acts like a antihero, he even disguised as a policeman for YEARS to solve a case!
And only steals from the rich, discovering corruption in the process for the world to see.
He hates violence, and only uses it when their isn't another way out in live and death situations. And he is so smart, he studied law and medicine (specializes in Dermatology).
... I'm not the only one who thinks that its funny that the thief studied the law?
So.. give him a chance to charm you, I sacrificed my sleep for this thread! 😅
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