A word about the #AlexSalmond trial. Let us remember that the COURT stated in a separate verdict that the Government investigation was "tainted by apparent bias” according to the court. NOT 'cybernats'. Not 'conspiracy theorists" The COURT. verdict. https://gu.com/p/c5f4k/stw 
That this investigation is unrelated to the trial is of course absurd. It was what prompted the trial and senior civil servants PROVEN to have spoken to possible complainants before the supposed investigation even officially began in what can only be considered a conspiracy.
And a certain Unionist senior civil servant, Leslie Evans, was absolutely neck-deep in this effort to remove Mr. Salmond from being a political threat. Anyone acquainted with the Civil Service violation of rules of impartiality in 2014 can't be surprised at this. They have form.
The Procurator Fiscal under strong political pressure from the people who were in charge of the investigation & their cronies brought the charges on the flimsiest of 'evidence", charges that considering the result, would never have been brought without that political pressure.
One final point. The people involved, the UK Civil Servants and those they control, do not consider it a 'conspiracy' to work together against the independence movement and leaders like #AlexSalmond. It is their JOB. And if it takes lies & smears, so be it.
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