This place gives me so many mixed feelings.

The soil, grass, and trees here were part of a battlefield. Men fighting for freedom. Fathers, sons, brothers... they knew there was a better way to live, outside tyranny. They died helping to establish a new country that would be..1/
free from a monarchy, and governed by the people.

What would they say about our country now?

Would they understand the “sacrifice” we claim as our own? Having to stay in our homes to protect ourselves and our families, while others put themselves at risk to save the sick?
While complaining on our smart phones about how we’re driving each other crazy?

This is no sacrifice.

We are ungrateful if we’re complaining about what is an inconvenience. They gave their lives on this field for something that had no guarantee but was worth the fight.

It’s time for us to all gain a better perspective about what sacrifice is.

How will we choose to honor the people who had faith in us to be united against any threat?
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