Revelation conspiracy/possible prophecy dots connecting thread:

First off, I don’t care what you believe Religion-wise. I’m not trying to convert anyone. All this thread is for is to raise some questions, conversation, and possibly give signs to look for.
Disclaimer: this is straight up connecting dots before they happen. Yeah no shit it’s a conspiracy so don’t waste your breath saying some dumb shit like that lol

I’m not saying I believe one way or another btw, it’s simply critical thinking. time will tell. Decide for yourself🙇🏼‍♂️
K so in Revelation 13, it talks about 2 beasts and the mark of the beast.

What caught my eye reading is it says the first beast will rule for 42 MONTHS. Guess who’s presidency is at 42 months in May?👀

And guess who predicted “big things” to happen in/by May? The Q movement
To this point I would also like to add that I know Trump claims to follow “God.” I’m not trying to be judgemental, but the dude damn sure doesn’t seem to follow Christ’s example (I’m not much of a fan of the term Christian bc I feel like that’s been corrupted too)

I’ve always thought it was interesting how evangelicals back Trump so heavily when his character isn’t exactly “godly.” Dude’s extremely proud and pompous. That doesn’t mean God couldn’t use someone like Trump, but I just have always thought there was a disconnect there
Anyways I don’t think the “antichrist” is Trump. In fact it might not be a person at all, it could be a system. Trump & the Q movement may play an important role in ushering it/them in.

See the 1st beast has a wound (could be symbolic of reputation?) that the 2nd beast “heals”
If the Q movement/Trump do actually “drain the swamp” & the satanic elite corruption is exposed, that puts Trump at a VERY high level of power. Now what’s also happening right now? Economic collapse.

What if Trump decided to end the FED & create/adopt a “one world currency?”🤔
If he’s viewed as a hero for draining the swamp then I doubt many will question his decisions if proof is given of said draining.

I do still think it’s also possible that if the Q prediction does happen they really might be the good guys though. Idk. More thoughts on Q in a bit
Next enter the mark of the beast (MOTB)

In the Bible it’s said you need the MOTB to buy/sell in the end times. Many people (myself included) think the MOTB would be some kind of microchip, but this article has made me think differently about it
I’m kinda gonna branch off here.

Read the article to fully understand, but in a nutshell its saying the mark may not be a chip but rather a contract into this “new age” that Q has predicted (sort of a “sell your soul” type of vibe imo)

It’s a really well thought out article
Some of the assumptions/predictions I do think may be a stretch but logically the plan makes sense. It just may not be ~exactly~ how the article predicts.

Again, read it and develop your own opinions. It’s a little long but you’re not doing anything anyways lol
This is where the article makes the most sense to me:

So the thing with the Mark of the Beast is if you take it, essentially you’ll be barred from the Kingdom of God. Pretty big risk if you believe in an afterlife.

But what’s easier, getting people to ~want~ it or forcing them?
Personally I think getting someone to want something based on promises of a better life would be easiest. And then a bait and switch could easily happen once everyone has taken it.

The Q movement “great awakening” has always sounded too good to be true to me, maybe bc it is?
Now on the other hand we have the chip idea. If you don’t know, Bill Gates is currently working on a microchip called ID2020 and there’s already billionaires (of course there is) backing the idea of us all being chipped for our ID’s, money, etc. by 2030

Enter coronavirus⬇️
Let’s say the microchip is the mark. They could put it in the vaccine as a “kill 2 birds w 1 stone” type of thing.

Again it’s all speculation, but both of those options logically could lead to a 1 world currency system.
One “light” driven, the other “dark” driven, but same goal.
I’m also super sketched about the vaccine because with all this fear porn who knows what tf they put in it.

And with all the conspiracies surrounding 5g yeah idk man. Easily could put something in it that’s activated from 5g I think.

Again just thinking deeper because⬇️
If you don’t know, in Georgia there’s what’s called the Georgia Guidestones. On these massive stones it basically has 10 “instructions” for a NWO situation and one of those instructions is that the world should only have 500 mil people. We currently have over 8 billion I think?..
And guess who’s family is eugenicists and who’s openly said “if we do a good job with vaccines we can reduce population by 10-15%” ?

Bill Gates. Yup, same guy working on the ID2020 thing.

K now back to the Q movement. If you believe in the movement explain this to me⬇️
If Q is supposedly about a God-given biblical intervention, why is “the great awakening” plan so riddled with New Age shit?

Q anons speak of God all the time, and I’m sure many are true Bible believers, but why is there so much contradiction in the belief system?
At the end of the day I still have hope this all turns out better than before. And who knows, I could be wrong about everything. I wouldn’t mind that either tbh lol

But I do strongly feel what we’re going thru is for the purpose of changing our lives forever
Like I said, time will tell, but I’ve at least given some signs to potentially look out for. (One world currency, 42 mo. power “switch”, big government, MOTB, etc.)

As things become more clear, then you can decide what path you want to take if it’s offered and what you believe❤️
If you want to talk about this more in depth shoot me a dm! This is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night haha I’m always open to learning more.

One day soon I hope to be able to connect everything I’ve found in a way that’s as simple as possible/understandable🙏🏼
(P.s. if I sent you the revelation theory before I messed up on the original date.

Trump was elected Nov. 9th, 2016. So 42 months would be May 2020 not April)
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