We live in an age of cartoon villains.
On a day where SIX AND A HALF MILLION job losses were announced, the Dow Jones... rose over 450 points.
Another billionaire heroically volunteered to provide ventilators to hospitals, and instead delivered a bunch of lookalike sleep apnea machines that cost a fraction as much. (Granted, this one is more of a hapless comic villain. But still: cartoonish.) https://ftalphaville.ft.com/2020/04/01/1585782924000/Elon-Musk-promised-ventilators--These-are-BPAP-machines-/
Everywhere you look, the rich and powerful are racing around, stuffing their pockets full of dollars, stuffing their friends' pockets full of dollars, and then hiding in their mansions from the tidal wave of death and devastation that's about to hit the rest of us.
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