So @WHO has has rustled the jimmies of autism twitter. So as a famous influencer powerhouse I'm gonna give you some facts to set the record straight. And tell you the story for the infinity symbol becoming our logo.
Please bare in mind when I speak about autism I speak on behalf of everyone.
We adopted the infinity symbol in the late 2010's in the advent of twitter. The image itself is homage to the oroboros. The in-fighting and us vs them narratives were very reminiscent of the snake eating it's own tail.
The colours represent each power ranger. Famed for their anti-vax stance during the 90's. Even joining their vehicles together to form a 'megazord', a machine powerful enough to defeat the king of the autistics (played by william shatner)
The logo was copyrighted by the parker brothers. Meaning anytime we use it (or ouija boards) we owe them about $2 a pop depending on the bureau de change.
If you enjoyed this tweet please paypal me shit or DM nudes.
No cigarettes makes me saltier than a can of come.
That last bit is a callback like real comedians can do
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