
as a straight man, you will never truly understand the aftermath of your joke. i’m a straight woman, so i am also incapable of wearing those shoes, but let me explain as an ally of the lgbtq+ community, what the problem is surrounding your video.
for many people in this community, they’re raised in families surrounded by old values, those that disrespect their true selves, or prevent them from truly being them. due to that, coming out is a very serious and difficult process, that some don’t even complete int
their lifetime because of the fear of negative feedback, disrespect, hate crimes, and abandonment from the ones they love. some people remain in the dark, afraid to admit who they truly are, because of all of this hate.
you “coming out”, should not be considered a joke, yes it wasn’t real, but calling it a joke is degrading to the giant and beautiful community that is lgbtq+. being a feminine man is a lot different than being a bisexual man. if you wanted to say you’re a feminine man
then you need to say that, not that you like men AND women, unless you seriously were attracted to both genders. you have made it clear that you are not, and have felt the flames of the fire, because that “joke” isn’t a joke, but wrong.
what you did is “queer-baiting”, hinting at a queer sexuality to attract a certain or larger audience. you may think that you inspired people to come out, which you most likely did now. how do you think those people feel? they came out because you allowed them to be brave enough
to do that, but at what cost? now they see you were lying, and in that moment, some feel lost, because your joke made them feel like who they truly are, is also a joke. your joke, rushed or encouraged that final step of a process for some people that took years.
some of them feel regret. thinking they were ready, seeing someone they loved and supported coming out to a big audience, showing them they can do anything. but now they know it’s a joke, so what was that push REALLY worth to them? it made them feel out of place.
a boy, with a large audience, entourages, whether you believe it or not, “queer-baiting” and it made them and their entire community feel invalid. this joke, may have also encouraged people who wanted to come out, to not do it, because it’s been turned into a laugh, an april
fools joke. so, before you make excuses. think about every side of the situation. you may think you did something good, but it was wrong. entirely, fully, and deeply wrong of you. you have disrespected a community, the visible and invisible community.
those who have came out and those who haven’t. i could never tell you exactly how they feel because i don’t struggle with it, im a straight woman, i don’t struggle with the constant fear these strong individuals face because of their sexuality, their identity. the fear that
they’ll be judged or ignored, the fear that their identity will be disrespected, turned into something for laughs, or just completely destroyed because of those who don’t support them, for some, even their families and friends.
you planted a b0mb, and it went off. deal with your consequences. silence your excuses and let the community speak, you could never understand no matter how hard you tried what it’s like to be lgbtq+, neither can i. i know i speak for my friends in the community, and everyone
else in the community when i say, your actions have consequences, what you did was wrong, they didn’t deserve that and you don’t get to make excuses. you knew it was wrong and did it anyways, think about what you did, view the repercussions of your actions.
realize this action did more harm than it did help. realize that you are a STRAIGHT male, as you’ve made clear, and you shouldn’t have done this, no matter what you thought. and do NOT, EVER, think that the community and it’s allies are wrong for being angry with you
because you did this to yourself. live with it. and grow up.
my lgbtq+ friends,

i am truly sorry that i do not know how you feel. you are not invalid. your sexuality, identity... those are valid. you as a person, are valid. your feelings, are valid. i will not experience what you have went through or what you go through, so i can never
say that i do understand.. but i will say that i am here for you through thick and thin. your story is your story. don’t let anybody tell you it’s a joke, or tell you that it’s wrong. you are all beautiful. i’m sorry you were disrespected in this way. i’m here for you.
again, i’m sorry if these tweets are described in all kinds of wrong. if they are, please do educate me. again, i love all of you!
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