Things are ruff right now. Let’s do a thing: If you’re suffering financially due to the global situation and you have commissions, a ko-fi, an online store, go-fund-me, etc, reply to this tweet and I’ll throw a bit of support your way. :)

Please don’t hesitate or feel shy!
We don’t have to be friends or mutuals. And you are free to retweet this to spread it around.

I’ve been feeling a lot lately like I want to do something to help. My job so far has remained intact - I was one of the lucky ones - so I want to give back to those less fortunate.
I want you all to keep being safe out there. Let me give you little a support, as a treat. ❤️ I’ll check back on the replies later when I manage to catch a break at work.

Love you all! 🙌
You can follow @macxidy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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