Today is world #AutismAwareness day or #AutismAcceptance day (whatever stage you are at). I really wish I could hug my family, students, and friends with autism today. Right now this community needs you more than ever. Here are some things you can do on a personal level:
1) Reach out to a family who has a child with autism and see if there is anything you can do to support them. If you are the boss of an employee who's a parent of a child w/ autism, their kid is home and probably needs constant attention. Ask that employee what they need.
2) If you have a group home or agency that serves your area, reach out and see what support is needed. It may be financial, it may be that they are desperate for supplies, they may need advocacy support. If you would like recommendations of places in desperate need, let me know.
3) Donate to an arts or cultural organization that provides much needed recreation, employment, and meaning to the lives of those with autism. Again, if you need a list, let me know. These organizations are in financial danger and need support to keep up their incredible work.
4) Advocate on the state and federal level for increased support for these individuals and equal care. There has been a lot of injustice bandied about in this time and we need to fight it.
Please add to this list! Happy #AutismAcceptance day (which should just be an all the time thing).
You can follow @AlizaG.
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