(Thread) 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

(Movie events are in no particualr order).
1. The Opening Scene 🎥

That alone is a movie within itself, action/suspense/comedy/excellent dialogue/the score/the visuals/the hurt & the fighting. THANOS DESTROYING HULK WITH EASE.
LOKI DYING (we think).
The scene opening to no music (fucking chills).
2. Planet Vormir ⚛️

Red Skull being revealed as the protector. Thanos making the ultimate sacrifice & killing Gamora. His reaction to it makes him almost human, her realisation when she finds out he loves her! The score is PERFECT. Stakes are so high! Tears tears tears.
3. Know-Where ✳️

Thanos tricking Gamora that she’s killed him and that reveal with the reality stone, GENIUS!!!!
Their relationship in this film is so Incredibly detailed. Makes her death even more more meaningful.
4. Titan 🔱

The whole battle sequence against Thanos, has all the elements and surprises you could want! That fact it takes all of them to slightly overpower him and when Star Lord finds out Gamora is dead & attacks Thanos! IDIOT! (But brilliant cinema). I shouted at the screen!
5. Spider-Man vanishing 😔

“I don’t wanna go”

That’s it, that’s the tweet.
6. Post Credit Scene 😯 🌟

That’s it, that’s the tweet.
7. Thor’s Wakanda Entrance 🙅🏾‍♂️ ⚡️🌪

Never have you ever seen a more epic entrance into a battle.
The sheer fucking power of the man, he single handedly turns the battle around!
8. Iron Man’s suit using Nano Tech 😱

Never before seen & it takes his suit to a whole different level. His power. Enhanced battle techniques and technology. Incredible.
9. Characters meeting 😂

The first time we see Guardians Of The Galaxy interacting with others from the MCU (And Doctor Strange too).
10. (These are just bullet points) 🤷🏾‍♂️

•Not knowing HOW Thanos gets the stones
•Not knowing what order he gets them in
•Not knowing WHO gets snapped
•Doctor Strange using his enhanced powers
•The CGI of it all
•The transitions into each characters stories are SEAMLESS

The threat is real and so much happens within this.
Vision getting worked on, Scarlet Witch demonstrating her power, Banner using the Iron man suit, Thanos’ remaining “children” being killed & Thanos collecting the last stone!
12. Thanos using the time stone! 🦠

The final conquest & straight after Thor using his hammer to overpower ALL 6 INFINITY STONES!
All this thus far has happened in ONE MOVIE!

“You should’ve gone for the head”

The dialogue! 🔥
13. The Snap! 💥

The whole sequence of seeing people we have watched for years on screen disappear into thin air. Completely helpless and powerless to stop it.
The film is still, no music you just witness their demise....beautiful yet gut wrenching. THEY LOST.

14. Groot using his arm for Thor’s hammer 🌲 💪🏾

Instantly changed his character development from that gaming, moody typical teenager to the powerful and destructive Groot we all know! Made his “death” even sadder.
15. Drax 👏🏾

The GIF speaks for itself
16. Captain America’s entrance 🙏🏾

Who the hell does he think he is catching that weapon like a boss and appearing from the shadows like that?!?!?
17. Ebony Maw

Need I say more?

(See what I did there?)
18. Spider man’s new suit 🕷

Alexa play “So Fresh, So Clean” by OutKast
19. Backstory of Thanos & Gamora

Again, their relationship in this film is explored so well!
20. Comedy Dialogue 🤣

“You’re one sandwich away from fat”

“Dude you’re emabarassing me infront of the wizards”

“Thank you sweet a Rabbit”

“Why has she been up there all this time?”

“Are you making your voice deeper?”

“I like your plan, except it sucks”

“Why is Gamora?”
21. Thanos’ dialogue 🗣🗣🗣

“You’re not the only one cursed with knowledge”

“I’m sorry little one”

“When I’m done half of humanity will still be alive”

“I hope they remember you”

“Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same”

“A small price to pay for salvation”
22. P.S I have NOTHING against Endgame at all, it still was a fantastic film. But in terms unpredictability this wins hands down. For battles, loss, action, sequences, drive & narrative.


Thank you Russo Brothers 👏🏾
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