During a shocking crisis like this, many Americans are realizing that “myths” about the US that many took for granted are not true. Without belief in these myths, our system of exploitation would collapse.

(Follow this thread for the 8 myths that hold the US together)
Myth #8 - We have democracy.
A large Princeton study found that we are an oligarchy. We are ruled by a few members of an upper class. Our opinions & preferences have ZERO impact on the legislative process.
Myth #7 - We have an accountable & legitimate voting system.
We vote on completely unverifiable black box machines with hidden proprietary code. Another large Harvard study found that the US has the worst voting system in the Western World.
Myth #6 -We have an independent media that keeps the rulers accountable.
Our media outlets are funded by weapons contractors, big pharma, big banks, big oil & big, fat hard-on pills. The media’s jobs are to rally for war, cheer for Wall Street & froth at the mouth for consumerism
Myth #5 - We have an independent judiciary.
The criminal justice system has become a weapon wielded by the corporate state. This is how bankers can foreclose on millions of homes illegally & see no jail time, but activists often serve jail time for nonviolent civil disobedience.
Myth #4 - The police are here to protect you. They’re your friends.
The police in our country are primarily designed to do two things: protect the property of the rich and perpetrate the completely immoral war on drugs - which by definition is a war on OUR OWN PEOPLE.
Myth #3 - Buying will make you happy.
We have to believe that consuming is the answer or else we won’t keep running around the wheel. And if we aren’t running around the wheel, then we start thinking, start asking questions
Myth #2 - If you work hard, things will get better.
According to Deloitte’s Shift Index: 80% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs & the average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. Yet, most of those jobs merely support an economy built on false scarcity.
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