Who is the father of soil science ?!

Charles Darwin and Vasily Dokuchaev made early and important, butquite different, contributions to pedogenic theory. Their major contributions were both written as books—Darwin's,1881 The Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Action of Worms, With Observation on Their...
...Habits, and Dokuchaev's, 1883 Russian Chernozem. Although most soil scientists are familiar with Dokuchaev's legacy and lasting impact, far fewer know about or value equally Darwin's “worm book.”
Dokuchaev's factorial approach to soil science, drawn from observations...
...a cross the Eurasian steppe, helped map, classify, and place economic value on soils, while also providing key insight into their formation.
Dokuchaev's legacy is tied to the model. Alternatively, Darwin's main contribution to the field was to shed light on soil...
...processes, particularly faunal mixing (bioturbation) and the textural sorting it can produce. Although Darwin's findings fostered an array of multi disciplinary studies on pedogenic processes during the ensuing 50 years, his work languished in the broad shadow cast by...
...Dokuchaev's model.
In retrospect, there are two historical “Masters” of pedology and soil science: Charles Darwin and Vasily Dokuchaev. Darwin's body of scholarship on bioturbation fills a hole in Dokuchaev's “o” factor...
...Darwin and Dokuchaev were born in 1809 and 1846, respectively; they died in 1882 (at age 73) and 1903 (at age 57), respectively. Both were university trained, primarily in geology. At the time that Dokuchaev was born, Darwin was ~37, had already voyaged around the...
...world, and had published three short papers on experimental process pedology, emphasizing bioturbation. Darwin's soil research began in 1837, at age ~28 (after the Beagle voyage), whereas Dokuchaev's began some 40 years later in 1876, at age ~30 (Darwin was then ~67)...
...Thus, Darwin and Dokuchaev were academic contemporaries (though unknowingly to one another) for only ~6 years, from about 1876 to 1882 (when Darwin died). The early research and publishing endeavors of both scientists dealt with geological-soil themes, with Darwin's...
...first published paper (1837/1838) being on soil formation. Darwin's substantive soil work was On the Origin of Vegetable Mould, Through the Action of Worms, with Observation on Their Habits, produced in 1881 at age~72, was his last publication. (Topsoil in England was...
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