@Twitter @TwitterSupport @TwitterSafety @jack
This is getting to the point, that I promise you next year, Twitter & Facebook will not only have strict regulations to stop the destruction of our country from Propaganda & Russian Trolls, they are facing a $ multi-billion
dollar civil lawsuit for civil crimes against up to millions of innocent people. We all have learned that Twitter Rules & Policies, "THAT MUST BE APPLIED TO EVERYONE EQUALLY", is not what has been happening for years. Take Donald Trump for example. He has violated the rules
numerous times, with Congress members & News Organizations asking Twitter to suspend his account. Twitter refuses to do so even when it is dangerous content that incites violence, threatens people, invokes racism, got 55 people in Texas shot, 26 killed. Got Chinese people's
faces slashed & spit on, Trump posted a drug claiming it was a cure for COVID-19 that 1 person died & another is in the hospital. I could go on & on of his numerous violations. "NOT ONE SUSPENSION". I want Twitter to know, that $Billions & getting away with this for years is
going to end next year or soon afterwards. @KamalaHarris is going to make sure you people are stopped from these civil crimes & possible criminal crimes you have bestowed upon innocent people that deserve a fair and equal playing field. The funny part of it, when the class
action suit comes & "A JURY" decides Twitter's civil & criminal abuses of Targeting, Harassment, 1st amendment violations & discrimination, they will lose because their own platform is full of the millions of smoking guns. The game with Twitter is, give them a nonsense 1st
suspension for 3 days, then a 2nd for a week and then ban them. For little minor offenses if any at all. If Trumps has never violated any rules, then the facts are, Nobody has, unless they directly threatened someone or told them to kill themselves. When you have $ and get
away with everything for years, you believe you are invincible. This mirrors Twitters mindset. I promise the world, it is going to hurt them real bad soon & they are not even aware of it & what is coming to them in 2021.
Their criminal & civil violations towards some & not
others showing favoritism, is actually against State & Federal Laws. It is called "Discrimination". And here, proving it is like being caught with the smoking gun in their hands as they just shot a bunch of people.
So Twitter & Jack, get ready because both you & FaceBook's
world of corruption & self policing is soon to be over
I would even put up $1million of my own $ in a personal bet with @Jack, that you also lose a $30 Billion Civil lawsuit, that already has numerous 1000's signed up as a victim of your illegal abuse. Let me know jack if you
want to make a real $1Million bet on this.
**Now my complaint
I have had this account for 4 days
No violations as I have not tweeted anything against rules. I am allowed to follow 450 people per day. You cut me off at 375 per day. Now on day 4, I come here, and I am partially
suspended for 3 days. It states that I followed too many people. "are you f...ing serious". Followed 75 less for 3 days that I am allowed to, and I am suspended from following anyone for 3 days now. And my "LIKING" tweets is disabled. Now you tell me Jack, all the god damn
violations happening here hourly that U do & do not know of, and a new user on day 4 is given their 1st rigged suspension of 3 days for following only 375 people per day for 3 days, when they were suppose to be able to follow 450 people per day
And do people not have a right
to follow who they want to follow. This is America isn't it. Why do you care if a person follows a bunch of people off of another persons followers list. Maybe the 2 people are friends themselves and want to follow the others followers. This is where you cross the lines of
Constitutions, Laws & people's rights, "REGARDLESS IF YOU ARE A PRIVATE COMPANY OFFERING SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC OR NOT". You "MUST" treat everyone equally & by our laws, which you do not do. So now my account is flagged with 1 - 3 day suspension for doing "NOTHING" wrong.
So the next bogus illegal targeted suspension against me will be a week suspension. This is a criminal game you are playing. Soon, I will prove it to a jury in a Federal Class Action Civil Lawsuit next year. >"I PROMISE!"<
Not to mention, your games of also keeping targeted
victims from discovery of other users. Hiding their tweets on the bottom under "More", where nobody ever sees them. Also, using this harassment against #Resisters of these bogus non stop suspensions & account bans. This also forces people to have to start all over again.
More of subverting their rights to free speech & equal treatment. Because when you have 5K followers, people see you. When you have 100 from starting over, you are silenced. This is an intentional targeted game of Twitter's that will be proven in Court. It is all by design.
The little guys always takes down the most corrupt criminal Corporations, such as DuPont & many others
It does not matter who you are
Karma will get you in the end
I will be part of getting you good in the end. I am so tired myself, of how you have treated me & watched 1000's
of others get away with the same comments I have posted, and I was suspended & they were not
I even filed an appeal recently
showing a person that posted the same exact comment in a reply to the same tweet
and you refused to suspend him, and enforced the suspension against me
This is "ILLEGAL" I have the evidence of this and many other targeted discriminating & illegal activities that Twitter is getting away with. But I have faith that a Jury of our peers will see right through these years of criminal abuse towards some while others are immune.
Now get this hogwash. I just tried to file an appeal for a suspension. Which I am suspended for 3 days for no reason to be able to follow anyone
But I am forbidden to file an appeal, as they claim I am not suspended because I am logged in. WHAT?
Part of their illegal game
You can follow @Trump_Kills.
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