The things that come into your life easy, are because you have a program and beliefs that supports that happening.

When you struggle to make something happen, ultimately it’s because you have a program that doesn’t support it, which you are trying to override with hard work.
Look at any areas in life where you are struggling. Examine your subconscious programs related to that area and begin to rewrite any programs that keep you anchored in limitation and lack. Just be aware to replace with programs that align with your soul not mainstream ideals.
Most of the programs you have running come from what you observed during childhood. Remember that the theta brainwave is a recording state, also known we hypnosis. This is the brainwave you were until age 7. So everything you saw prior to that age became your “operating system”.
In order to reprogram your subconscious, getting your brain back into the theta state is ideal, this is what self-hypnosis is. You can use sound frequencies, affirmations, vision boards, creative visualization, aromatherapy. But the main thing is it takes 30-40 days to rewire.
If you want to do more research on any of this just look up neuroplasticity, deprogramming, subconscious mind, brain waves, NLP(neurolinguistic programming). There is so much information available to walk you through it.
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