of course i want revolutionary change, but vote blue no matter who and get our shit worked out between elections. we are bringing so many young people into our political process, midterm elections will be really important for the progressive bloc.
vote for the party that isn't continuously eroding the government and destroying so many systems that keep our country somewhat functional. trump has GUTTED the government. we need to patch it up, take a breather, and come back with a bang in 2022 and 2024.
this isn't about giving up. this is taking the first step towards what we want. a leftward push obviously isn't happening overnight. we must invite everybody into the political process and convince them why social democracy is something more people should be warming up to.
there are too many lives at stake and too much of a crumbling infrastructure to give this election away. 2016 wasn't that big of a deal. this is. let's turn this country in favor of the democrats and THEN fight as hard as we can.
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