Batman #94: Dick Grayson, an amnesiac with a 10-year-old demon sibling, is forced to keep his large dysfunctional family together after his father is arrested for shifty accounting practices and the Wayne family assets are frozen, making each member of the eccentric family panic
what I’m saying is I would only accept batman if it DID turn into arrested development
bruce wayne - george senior, in prison for tax fraud, will be reconnecting with his Jewish heritage
selina kyle - lucille bluth, will have to be the unwilling matriarch
Lincoln March - Oscar Bluth, bruce’s eccentric brother who looks exactly like him who ends up in prison
Dick Grayson - Michael Bluth, the eldest, takes over for his dad whenever he goes to jail or dies, constantly taken advantage of
Jason Todd - Gob Bluth, family disappointment, demands to be taken seriously, likes knives
Tim Drake - Lindsay Bluth, activist, adopted, has daddy issues
Damian Al Ghul-Wayne - Buster Bluth, refers to all his family members by common nouns, loves his mother, emotionally stunted, expertly trained killer with stuffed animals
Stephanie Brown - Tobias Funke, fun and fun-loving, disliked by the patriarch of the family, had a baby and Tim thinks it’s his
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