☁️ april tarotscopes ☁️

🤍 apply to sun, moon, rising & venus 🤍

🕊 it can't & won't resonate with everyone. if it does, great! if it doesn't, let it fly.
Aries ♈︎
There is two different paths in front of you but you can’t pick which one to follow. While it is important to take a moment before making a decision, your hesitancy might make you waste a lot of time which can end up you missing an opportunity.
It doesn’t mean you should be impulsive and jump into it. It simply means be sure of yourself and your choices. You know what is best for you. Speaking your truth and your wants are important. Telling someone what you expect out of a situation is totally okay and normal.
But also keeping in mind the other parts wants and needs is important. Compromising can be the key sometimes. You also have someone around you who is messing with your head and choices.
This person is someone you used to trust but you are starting to question them and their motives recently. Follow your intuition, you’re right. This individual isn’t working for your best interest and needs to leave your life immediately.
Taurus ♉︎
You are deeply disappointed by a situation occurred recently. While it sucks, it isn’t totally the end of it. It is up to you to change the outcome in your favor. Mind you, it won’t be easy or fast if you choose to go down that path and change the end.
There is a mutual want to change the current, a unity is wanted. You are probably unsatisfied and this situation made you feel empty but is it really what you want? To go back around and do it?
Is it really for your best interest or is it just for you to feel better or in control? It can be seem important to have some sort of a closure at times likes this but deep down you need to know you don’t need it at all. You have all the knowledge and right answers in you.
This week you may have crazy or weird dreams that you can’t actually make sense off. But there is hidden messages, keep a dream journal and you’ll see the results shortly.
Gemini ♊︎
You have made some mistakes in the past which are haunting you. I would like to start with a cliche and say that nobody is perfect and it is totally normal to make mistakes. While it sucks that you did it, it is still an opportunity to learn.
I think it is about a friendship but depending on the situation might be a relationship too. I don’t think it is a mistake involving family. The situation left the other part feeling like they weren’t getting what they deserved from you in return.
This situation will take a while to heal but in the end it will. You need to have faith in divine timing. Also there is a hypocrite around you. They are not hurting you but their ideas are messing with tour head.
While the individuals intentions with these ideas isn’t bad, they’re not the right path to take. Be careful who you listen to.
Cancer ♋︎
Because of the time being we are all faced to drop our distractions and just be alone with ourselves but you’re taking over-thinking to another level. All these inner conflicts and acting secretive won’t get you anywhere. It is okay to talk about yourself.
It is okay to reach out for help. Everyone is going through hard times, asking for help especially now doesn’t mean you are weak or needy. It simply means you know yourself. Stop expecting the worse in every situation.
Thinking this pessimistic will only manifest bad things to your life. There is also someone who needs the help of you. This person is struggling with their past and need some healing. The healing for them will start with acceptance and this is where you come in to help.
You have the ability to help them see what they’re refusing to see.
Leo ♌︎
Hey you, why are you letting the painful past haunt your present and effect your future? I know sometimes it is hard to forgive who hurt you, or yourself for letting them hurt you, but it is needed.
With that being said, I think for some of you the past is really not the past. Actually this incident happened recently. So it is totally fine to let your emotions run wild and let them take their turns. Emotions are there to be felt.
I feel a lot of grief and sadness taking place. The other person is sad and in remorse either. But it is no means that you should get them back into your life. What they did sucks but it’s their freewill and we can’t change that.
I think this person has air in their big three. I’m seeing a lot of healing taking place on your side. It is coming slow and steady. Staying positive as much as you can is the key. Have patience, for your own good. Healing and loving yourself won’t happen over a night.
Virgo ♍︎
I see someone around you with a mysterious aura and a very practical person. This person is protective over you and you like it. You like the feeling of safety. But even with that, you have questions about letting this person become a piece of your life.
I feel like this person is friend instead of a love interest at the moment. This month, with a move coming from them, you’ll let your guards down let them see the real you. After this point they’ll be a really good help to your life.
They’ll push you to your main goal and will help you to get there. With their help you’ll gain the much needed confidence to catch all the opportunities coming your way. You may have been forced to or will be forced to let go of your job.
While this is bad, with the support, you’ll find a better one where you’ll be much happier. All of this will start this month but the fruition will be visible after a few months. I know it looks way down the road but everything happens for a reason and this includes timing.
This is on your behalf even if you can’t see it now.
Libra ♎︎
You know how the saying goes, you’ve already been through the worst days of your life you thought you wouldn’t make through and you did. Yes, you did! It is your time now, your rebirth has just begun. Things are looking up!
But you need to stay positive and stay true to yourself. Your past might make you get scared of the future but it is time to choose living instead of just surviving. A major shift will trigger a fresh and you’re about to create it.
Yes, it is not coming to you, you are creating it yourself. While you’re fixing yourself, you need to be open to receive criticism about how you handle things. Sometimes we make mistakes in the name of good but people who love us, are there to teach us the right way.
Someone will call you this month, someone who you haven’t talked for a while. I’m sensing a Sagittarius and/or a Scorpio placement. But, should you pick up the phone? The cards says no. You have better things to do.
Scorpio ♏︎
You recently had a disconnection caused by luck of communication skills which hurt you deeply. You knew this was coming but you decided to ignore it but now you’re having problems to accept the fate.
You are really confused with your life already and this disconnection was a cherry on top. Your mind is all over the place already and it’s also having a fight with your hearts desires makes you feel chaotic and stuck.
You have the power to change this and take the matters into your own hands. But you aren’t, the question is why. I think it’s because you’re scared of the path you have to take to be able to reach your goal.
While getting out of our comfort zones is scary, it is important for growth. And the cards are screaming for you to take that step. The results will be like a dream come true.
Sagittarius ♐︎
You knew you needed to take action but you didn’t so now you’re mourning that loss of opportunity. This ruined your motivation and now you’re dealing with your lack of energy. You feel like people are moving forward and you’re left behind.
When in reality everyones clock works different and your time is just isn’t here yet. It will however come as soon as you get over the illusion of you not being good enough. Because you are. Don’t let some show-off people take you down.
When the time is right, you’ll show who is the boss. You are feeling alone right but there is a listen you will get from it. Don’t let this feeling of loneliness make you get close to people you wouldn’t normally. You need to be careful with who you share your secrets with.
There is people around you who genuinely love and care for you and loves yo listen to you. This person is not one of them. Listen to your intuition. I think this person might have Gemini and/or Virgo placements.
Capricorn ♑︎
All those broken friendships and relationships pushed you through a deep depression, huh? And I bet quarantine isn’t helping. I know life isn’t easy right now and it is hard to look past all the negativity but at some point you gonna have to.
Don’t get me wrong, you should force yourself to something you’re not ready for and yes, it involves healing too. It will only make you suppress your emotions, which we all know never ends well.
But I feel like it won’t be long till you’ll have enough of dark clouds and start chasing the sun. Soon enough you’ll stop ignoring future possibilities by focusing on the past. I know it hurts but you should know something better is coming.
Whatever you lost, the Universe took it out of your life to fill it with something beautiful. And you deserve it a lot. I feel like whoever broke you in the past has strong water placements. Don’t even think about going back to this.
Aquarius ♒︎
You are doing great sweetie! Not only you’re letting go go your ego but you’re becoming shameless and unapologetically you! You’re in a “ignorance is bliss” state of mind which is a good way to handle things for the time being.
Everybody deserve a break from life right now and yours is here. But you need to be careful with not letting this cloud the reality. If you get caught up with this for so long, you’ll start taking risks you shouldn’t. You need to be careful with the choices you make.
It might be because of your state of mind or a result of Aries season but you shouldn’t be impulsive at all. Don’t over-think but be careful not to jump into conclusions. Other than these, I’m sensing a communication problem coming up.
I feel like it is between you and your family. If you want to solve it, you need to be more clear with what you mean. Yes, they know you but no one can reads minds so don’t expect them to. Communicate with them the way you’d want them to communicate with you.
Pisces ♓︎
A new person who has strong air placements is coming towards you and fast, if not already there. This person is full of desire and they make you feel wanted and confident. I see a great connection.
But there is some stuff you need to go over before this can move to another level. When it comes to this person, you tend to water down your own needs and wants to satisfy the other which is a huge mistake. Your needs are legit and it is totally okay to ask for them.
Set your boundaries from the start so they’ll know where to stand in the future. But do not forget they are also a whole human being so a little flexibility might be called for time to times.
Also with this person, if you want to take things further, you need to take matters into your own hands. No worries, when the time is here you won’t even hesitate to get what you want. Lastly, someone from your inner circle needs some help to come out of a dark place.
They won’t straight come out and ask for help but you’ll notice them soon enough. Be gentle.
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