To celebrate #WorldAutismAwarenessDay we want to...

*Record Scratch*

@DirewlyasKernow here. on #autismacceptance day its important that #ActuallyAutistic voices are heard and so I hacked into the branch twitter account to share some stuff abt autism and the workplace...
The working class is diverse - it's not all flat cap wearing white guys - and that diversity extends to the way people's brains work. Autism - like ADHD, BPD, OCD and others form a group of conditions that can be broadly grouped under the term #neurodiversity
Autistic people are also a diverse bunch, and whilst the stereotype is of a small boy who loves trains and maths, again, this isn't right either. Women, girls and BAME people are often mis or under-diagnosed.
As autistics are not only children (though most of us start off that way - lol) we do find we have to navigate in the world, and that often means, having to sell our labour to not starve
sidenote - Aspects of autism can impact us in different ways depending on the environment, those around us and how we are able to navigate things. For some, that's more difficult, for others less so. This also can vary by time so what can be easy one day may not be the next.
Now, getting employment can be very difficult for autistic people - particularly when application processes and interviews are often hellscapes of unknowns, strangeness and stress driving anxiety levels sky high.
(And that's not even getting into the fact that employers are known to prejudice candidates capability if they disclose as autistic). Booooo bosses suuuuuck
If we do get a job, autistics will tell you that keeping hold of it is often just as hard. From poorly optimised working environments, refusal to accommodate adjustments or straight up ole' fashioned prejudice it can be very difficult to keep going paycheck to paycheck
But we all know the laws are not always followed and the bosses (did I mention they suuuuuck) love to avoid having to do anything that might cost them anything and some just to make working folks lives shite just for fun apparently? so how do you get what your owed?
fighting back on your own can be daunting, especially if your special interest isn't employment law. And this is where a union comes into its own.
A union is there to protect its members, and nothing is better than putting the shit up the bosses than using your Trade Union for advice, support and community to force the bosses to give you what is your right.
The #IWW is committed to fighting for all of its members (its why I joined) and I know that when I need them, my union has my back. So on this #AutismAcceptance day I have one piece of advice for my fellow autistics. Join. A. Union. Today. 
P.s. bosses suuuuuuuck
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