How to stop harassment on public Zoom calls

Before meeting, host changes Zoom settings:

1. Turn on "Waiting room"

2. Turn off "Allow removed participants to rejoin", "Allow private chat", "File transfer", "Annotation", "Whiteboard"

3. Set "Screen sharing" to "Host only"

Before meeting, cont'd:

4. Schedule a meeting in Zoom with a random ID (do not use Personal Meeting ID)

5. Recommended: Do not share Zoom link publicly, instead make people register with email address and email them the Zoom link

During meeting:

1. Host assigns "co-host" status to a trusted person

2. Co-host admits people from waiting room, removes harassers, does not admit suspicious people

3. Host transfers host status to people who need to share screen

4. Optional: Lock the meeting after 5 min

If you do all these things, you will have a Zoom meeting with a defensible boundary that you can eject people from if they behave badly. It's the virtual equivalent of a well-run conference with registration, name tags, physical security, and code of conduct enforcement.

You can follow @FrameShiftLLC.
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