1.) 🛑 STOP what you are doing & read ALL articles & posts under this post! This is VERY important info about Government Mandated Vaccines!!! http://www.forhealthfreedom.org/Publications/Informed/Experimental.html
2.) This is why you NEVER want a Democrat to serve as president EVER again! As you’ll read, via the attached link for government mandated military vaccinations, guess who signed off on this this order... Hillary Clinton! http://www.forhealthfreedom.org/Publications/Informed/Experimental.html
4.) “Currently” within healthcare system we have Informed Consent”. The legal doctrine of informed consent stems primarily from the right to protect the sanctity of one's body from the intrusion of others.
5.) It means that patients must be told of risks & benefits of medical treatment & must give their consent prior to receiving treatment. However, gov’t mandated vaccines mean NO consent is REQUIRED or REQUESTED).Your RIGHT to choose & have control over your own body is taken away
6.) If a member of the military refuses a mandated vaccine, he or she may be demoted, discharged, or even imprisoned for disobeying an order.
7.) What “gov’t mandated” vaccines can possibly do to public citizens who refuse vaccinations: imprison, heavily fine, refuse return to the workforce, refuse children to return to school, limit or deny you access to live amongst the public (entering restaurants, stores, etc.)...
8.) ... They can even deny you entrance to a hospital. Non-vaccinated citizens could be forced to use “government mandated” medical facilities (which more than likely will be low budged facilities offering the worst healthcare services).
9.) This is what Bill Gates’s ID2020 “Digital Certificates” coronavirus vaccinations are all about folks!
Dr. Gates (along his sidekicks Fauci & Dr. Birx) have downplayed Hydroxychloroquine & ALL of the positive patient outcomes from it!
10.)As a nurse & patient advocate, I’m REFUSING this vaccine & any other FUTURE vaccines affiliated in ANY way with Bill Gates! I refuse to be a test dummy! I refuse to have ID2020 inserted under my skin! I refuse to have my rights taken away & the rights of my patients VIOLATED!
13.) https://twitter.com/mrsnewell888/status/1244511491929395201?s=21 CLICK ON & READ posts attached to this link please! https://twitter.com/mrsnewell888/status/1244511491929395201
15.) We are being controlled, lied to, manipulated, & brainwashed by #FakeNews & certain disloyal members of Trump’s task force (Fauci & Birx) over this vaccination!This “pandemic” was NO “accident”. Bill Gates did NOT “predict” this pandemic. I believe it was “orchestrated”.
18.) Referring back to number 7 & 8 of this thread... I believe this is why “social distancing” is being highly over fabricated & why they are “intentionally” inflicting fear about it.
20.) These so-called experts that are on MSM don’t explain to you why a person died of the coronavirus! Instead, they want you to believe it was “the virus itself”. They WANT you to FEAR it! https://www.globalresearch.ca/coronavirus-causes-effects-real-danger-agenda-id2020/5706153The
21.) #FakeNews MSM immediately tried to discredit this article b/c they don’t want you to start catching on to THE TRUTH! https://www.globalresearch.ca/coronavirus-causes-effects-real-danger-agenda-id2020/5706153The
22.) Bill Gates was interviewed back in 2015 about pandemics stating how extreme social distancing, public lockdowns, etc. were the “only” solutions (until his vaccine was officially ready & approved that is)...🤔 Note how Fauci & Birx have followed this guidance step by step!
19.) Strange how the 2 infectious disease experts (Fauci & Birx), who are supposed to be the “best” in their fields, have claimed that they didn’t know certain things about the effects of coronavirus to warn the public about...things that I even knew “ahead of time” as a nurse.🤔
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