So people may not know, but before I worked for @Envy full time I work as a freelance editor for about 7 years. I mostly worked from home so I got pretty used to it. I have a few tips that may help people who are new working from home during the we go
1. Try and maintain the same schedule you did when you had to go to the office. Make sure you are going to bed and waking up on time. It's super tempting to stay up late and sleep in more, but it will only make you wake up in the wrong mindset.
2. Hygiene is still super important. It may sound obvious but it can sometimes be overlooked when you don't have anywhere to go. Try not to just roll out of bed and go to work. Overall you will be more mentally ready to work if you take care of yourself..... So take a shower :D
3. In the same vein. Try and not work from your PJs. It's the dream of everyone who has ever thought of working from home, but for me personally it just makes me stay sleepy and lethargic. I find that if I actually get dressed to go work I am way more productive and feel better.
4. And my final word of advise is try and separate your home life from your work as much as possible. This can be tough but having a space you specifically work in will put you in a mindset to get get things done, and will make it much easier to relax when you aren't working...
Nothing will put you in "work from home depression" faster than feeling like you are always working....So try not to answer emails from bed :D

Hope that these help some. Stay safe and stay productiveđź’™
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