it's been a week of online classes. here's my study tips on how to thrive academically in this new format!

1) well-planned lessons. especially on zoom, things can get chaotic and everything in the world feels super disorderly, so a planned-out and structured lecture goes miles
2) when you are in class, you are IN CLASS. phone out of sight is best, but have your door closed, ask family to treat it like you are physically at school. separate work and life as much as possible. focus like you would in person, don't get too distracted by the chat, etc.
3) self studying. obvi it's up to the professor do create the aforementioned organized lectures, but if they don't, i guess we all just have to go the extra mile this quarter/semester and do it ourselves. we create the results we wanna see!!
4) paper notes. it seems easier to do things on a laptop cause classes are also on said laptop, but physically writing things down does wonders for memory and retention
5) get into group chats for your classes so you guys can help each other make it through, but DO NOT get complacent in these chats and think that because you have these people, you don't have to study or put in the work. and cheating gets you absolutely diddly squat nowhere :)
6) keep your inbox clean and easy to look at.
7) planner with deadlines and checkboxes that you REGULARLY update.
8) if you are attending classes in your room, CLEAN YOUR ROOM! make your bed in the morning. a clean and nondistracting study environment is ideal. also just... take care of urself!
9) it might be a good idea for some people to get dressed in the morning. obviously no one is stopping you from rolling up to Zoom lectures in pajamas, but without that mental link, you don't FEEL like you're at school, so you don't participate or engage with your learning.
10) you are allowed to watch TV at night to unwind/do other enjoyable things! my tip for this is to set a goal of things you need to do BEFORE you let yourself do those fun things. eg. I gotta finish and submit my lab report before i watch three episodes of madam secretary
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