China is the most racist country on earth.

What you see in this video is not an exception. This is the norm all across #China today, and not just for medical supplies (see thread👇).

Can you imagine any other country banning foreigners from stores, restaurants, etc?

In this video a foreigner stands outside a shopping mall and asks the guard,

"I cannot enter? I cannot enter?"

The guard responds, "No, foreigners are not allowed in."

This is on or about March 24th, 2020.
A non-Chinese woman is forced to eat outside a restaurant while her family eats inside.

Can you *imagine* what would happen if a restaurant in America decided to only let white people in?!?

Meanwhile, the Chinese government supports this!

This video is from March, 2020.
Non-Chinese people are not allowed into supermarkets in #China.

Hopefully this guy has some Chinese friends or he is going to get awful hungry.
As you watch these videos, don't forget that the #CCP wants you to believe that calling the #coronavirus the #WuhanVirus or #ChinaVirus is racist.

#CCPVirus #WuFlu
#ChineseVirusCorona #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
As a foreigner who lived in China for >12 years, @SerpentZA provides a compelling and articulate discussion about the true cause of racism in modern China.

YouTube video 👇 (20 minutes)

"I will call [China] the most racist country in the world." 
You can follow @TruthAbtChina.
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