WHAT TO DO IF YOUR BIRD CHOKES (a thread): Kuzco just regurgitated so hard, he choked and stopped breathing. I hate springtime. Anyways, so if you don't know, here's what to do if your bird chokes. If they are making noise and able to breathe, let them try and work it out on
their own. If they are tail bobbing or coughing, those both signal distress, but also an at least partially open airway. Birds do not have diaphragms so any kind of human intervention runs the risk of doing further damage and should always be a last resort. Kuzco also moved his
lower beak so far forward that it covered his upper beak, almost like an underbite, in an effort to further open his airway. IF YOUR BIRD STOPS BREATHING OR BEING ABLE TO VOCALIZE, pick them up and gently hold them upside down. Without a diaphragm, they can't push food back up,
so flipping them allows gravity to help. Do not shake them. Make sure your fingers are not putting ANY pressure on their chest. If they are still unable to breathe, massage the area directly above the keel bone. This is a very delicate area and does not require much pressure.
I put my finger on either side of the ridge of his keel and moved them straight up towards his beak. I also straightened his neck as much as possible and tilted his head back slightly. You want to make sure you are massaging from the keel towards the beak.
If you see liquid coming out of the beak, gently move them upright again. Liquid coming up runs the risk of being aspirated into the lungs and needs to be able to drain. Don't panic if you don't see whatever's stuck come flying out immediately. You'll know it has started to move
when your bird begins fighting you on being upside down. As soon as they start trying to right themselves, that is usually an indicator that they are getting more oxygen and are able to start coughing again on their own. Put them upright and let them work it out. Kuzco's
choking lasted about 2 mins total and he was unable to breathe for about 20 seconds. It's definitely a scary situation. This is the third time he's done this, but the first time I've had to intervene. He recovered super quick once everything was clear, was very snuggly for a bit,
and is now having a nap with the others. Choking is really scary to witness, but they do tend to bounce back as long as you stay level headed and work with them to get the airway clear :)
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